Sunday, 11 September 2011

Day Three

Today was a better food day!  I actually forced my sick self to make a small pan of roasted veggies for dinner.  Sweet potato, carrots and a small potato.  I was going to bust out some other stuff but a friend dropped over and by the time she had left everything was ready to go.  Good crust on the veggies just the way I like.  I almost feel like I can do this today. 

I do need to stop watching Diners Drive Inns and Dives.  I almost humped the TV today.  It’s 9/11 and I’m getting turned on by southern bbq.  I’m sure there is a special place for me in heaven.  I didn’t realize how much I think about meat until my semi dry hump today.  I seriously made a mental note on how to make a beef stew today.  I don’t care how good you are, you can’t put some tofu in that and feel like a good person.  It’s just not right.

I’m trying to keep up with the blog also.  I don’t want to miss a day and I’m sure as the days go on I will be really needing to get out the feelings that I have going on with food and feeling better cutting out the meat…and most of the crap I eat.  I can’t give up chocolate this close to my period. 

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