Wednesday, 4 July 2012


So today we did workshops without air conditioning.  It was super sticky.  I was cranky and as predicted I got a little bit of the scoots.  I'm sure I'm made of chocolate.  Anyway, I don't have air at home and have managed to do ok with just ceiling fans, walking around nude and cold showers. 

The last two days on my way home I've seen some sad shit.  When the bus went under the underpass on Richmond I saw two homeless guys laying in the shade of the underpass walk way.  I couldn't help but feel sad.  I can lay in my semi comfortable bed and sweat.  An underpass??  Today I saw a drunk guy laughing to himself sitting on the steps of a closed bar.  It's 4 pm.  Call me a prude but that just didn't seem right.

I keep reminding myself how lucky I am.  I currently have a job, a house, a cat and good people in my life that I like to think would never let me sleep under an overpass to keep cool.  Then again I'm sure some people would rather take in Fred.

Once my air is in, maybe I will wear clothes again.

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